Suzuki Violin Lessons
Why Suzuki Violin Lessons?
Suzuki violin lessons are designed for children as young as three years old. Lessons depend on the relationship between child, teacher and parent. Just as with the Small Steps Program, Suzuki Violin Lessons have the power to create an incredible bond between parent and child by working together to accomplish daily practice (with teacher as guide and support from the Suzuki community).
Daily listening is important to learning any instrument. Listening provides the same learning process as how every child learns his or her mother tongue language. Newborns spend hours listening and observing before they are ready to speak. In terms of learning music, if we listen and can hear how we want the instrument to sound we will better be equipped to find that sound. Once we learn how to play music, we will more efficiently learn to read music.
The Suzuki method provides the opportunity for children to learn a wide musical repertoire, develop a good ear and reading skills, play with other violinists of different ages and levels, and the chance to learn, grow and explore in a pressure free learning environment designed to encourage and inspire. Aside from musical aspects, the Suzuki methods strives to educate the whole child. Children learn discipline, patience, focus and memory, perseverance, creativity, time management, as well as confidence and a sense of achievement. Learning about music and a musical instrument is not only FUN, but an incredible workout for the BRAIN! This brain power can then be applied to any area of life that we want to develop.

"Teaching music is not my main purpose. I want to make good citizens. If children hear fine music from the day of their birth and learn to play it, they develop sensitivity, discipline, and endurance. They get a beautiful heart." - Shinichi Suzuki
Even though the Suzuki method was designed with the child in mind, it provides beneficial aspects to those of all ages who wish to learn. No matter what age or musical experience, everyone deserves the chance to be musically educated.

Why Suzuki GROUP Classes?
Group class provides a unique learning environment in which students of all ages and levels come to play, listen and learn together.
Younger students in the class find motivation in watching what the older students can do and acquire listening skills and sensitivity to music through hearing advanced repertoire on a weekly basis.
Older students have the chance to act as mentors and take on leadership roles. They begin to thoroughly master skills from the constant repetition of the basics. This strong foundation is the building block that leads to better understanding and mastering of more advanced techniques.
Group class is made up of weekly challenges, listening, review, movement, theory games, recital preparation and lots of fun! It is a musical community where children and adults come together to play music, chat, learn and grow. The act of participating in group class enriches our developing character as human beings as well as our growing musical abilities.​
Students registered in Group Classes perform in 4 different recitals throughout the year.
All Recitals take place on Sundays at 2:00 at Siloam United Church & Online:
October Recital: Solo performances, graduations & reception
Holiday Recital: Duets, ensembles and Fiddle Class
March Recital: Solo performances, graduations & fundraising
Year End Recital: Group Class Performance and Fiddle Class