We may know why review is important, but it's another thing to implement it on a regular basis. Here are some ideas to try
review during warm up
review at the end of practice or throughout the middle
have a practice day dedicated only to review
put review pieces on a board game to play through (see below)
leave it up to chance (review pieces on paper, popsicle sticks, spinning wheel, dice, etc. to pick from) - this one is also great if your child doesn't always like you deciding and struggles to decide for themselves.
use a review schedule (see below)
play for stuffed animals/put on a performance
record your playing/make a video
balance objects on violin while playing
compete for objects such as play money, beads, blocks, toys, etc. - find one point to focus on during the piece and if they do it, they steal your object
collect stickers on chart
collect blocks and build a tower for each piece played (how many can they play before it falls over!)
collect beads for a necklace
collect cheerios or a small snack for each piece
play with accompanist or another instrument
play in different rooms
play with eyes closed
play with upside down bow
play in a different key
play with actions or movements
Happy Practicing!