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What to do with Violin Practice over the Summer Months

Writer: Amy BartenAmy Barten

I can't believe the 2022/2023 School Year for violin is done! Although we won't be meeting regularly for lessons throughout July and August, there are many ways to stay consistent and not lose the skills we have gained throughout the year.

What I do over the summer

I spend my summers outdoors as much as I can and attend local festivals. I have many other interests than just the violin and this time away from my regular schedule gives me a chance to check in with other things I love. I also take time to prep for the new school year and attend Suzuki Teacher Training when I am able. Just because I am not teaching regularly, doesn't mean I am not around to support my students. Please don't hesitate to reach out with questions or help with keeping practice going throughout the summer.

Here are some things I suggest students try during the inconsistency of summer:

Attend Festivals
  • Sunfest (July 6th-9th)

  • Home County (July 14th-16th)

  • Goderich Celtic Festival (August 11th-13th)

  • Stratford Music Festival (ongoing)

Continue with a practice routine
  • keep track on your practice calendars to stay accountable

  • start with ONE thing, no matter how small & build from that one success

  • bracket your practice with another daily habit (after you brush your teeth, after lunch, before dinner, etc.)

Send video/audio logs
  • send me videos/audio of what you are working on

  • I will send you feedback or a mini video/audio lesson

  • this is a great way to keep some momentum going with new pieces

Review, review, review
  • take this time to get a review schedule going

  • the main goal throughout the summer is to not forget. We want to maintain the pieces and skills we have built from this year

  • playing our review pieces is a great way to maintain and master the skills we have already learned

Come to Summer Lessons & Drop in Classes
  • I teach private lessons on Wednesdays during the summer

  • I provide FREE Drop in Classes throughout July & August to registered students.

  • What is a Drop in Class? I set aside an hour or so on different days to be available to students who wants to come and see me. Bring something you want to work on or just come and play. We might end up playing one on one together or there may be multiple students present.

Attend Suzuki Institutes
  • CLICK HERE to check out Suzuki Institutes available around the world.

  • This is a great immersive experience into the world of Suzuki Music and Method.

Go Outside
  • Outdoors can motivate, inspire, heal and move us in ways nothing else can.

  • If you are feeling stuck with practice (or life!) get outside, breath deep and be present.

Learn something new
  • the possibilities are endless. Search out something new that you've always wanted to try. Make it happen no matter how hard or scared you might be. Pick one new thing and see how it goes. There is so much to discover about ourselves when we try new things and these discoveries play into all other aspects of our life.

Join me for a Showcase Event on Sunday July 23rd at 1:30!
  • bring your violins and other instruments you want to play. I will demo some cello and step dance and we will have fun playing some classical Suzuki pieces, some fiddle tunes and anything else we feel like doing!

Join me for a Music in the Park Event!
  • still to be confirmed (possibly August 19th)

  • we will either be part of some live music before a movie in the park in my neighbourhood, or we will meet one afternoon/early evening to play together in a park.

  • it is okay to decide to take a break. If this is what you decide though, do so with confidence. Don't feel guilty for knowing you need a break and deciding do something else for a bit (or doing nothing!).

Listen, listen and listen some more
  • continue with the habits we have been building with our recent listening challenge!

  • Listen on car rides or airplane trips. Listen outside in the yard or when playing inside on a rainy day. Listen at meal times and before you go to bed.

  • Listen to other classical music or other Suzuki Books. Listen to other instruments. Listen to other genres of music!

  • Just Push Play!

  • Take some time to reflect on what you have accomplished this past year.

  • Think about some goals or ambitions you might have for the coming year.

  • What are some new habits that you established this year that went well?

  • What are some things you would like to try to improve on or do more of next year?

Need more help or resources? Don't hesitate to reach out.

Looking forward to seeing you in one form or another over the summer months!



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